parking lot cleaning

How Parkade Cleaning in Calgary Can Combat the Harmful Effects of Dust

Parking lots are necessary for many businesses, but they can cause problems. One of the major ones is the accumulation of dust. Unfortunately, simply blowing your parkade and some forms of parking lot sweeping don’t get rid of the dust, they just move it around. Regular parkade cleaning in Calgary is the best way to combat the harmful effects of dust.

The Problem: Dust Accumulation without Parkade Maintenance

What is dust and why is it a problem? Dust includes organic and inorganic particles that are floating or scattered in the air. It can be particles of metals, soil, minerals, dyes, and pesticides. Dust particles floating in the air are breathed in by people in the area, and some of those particles can reach the lungs. If dust enters and collects in the lungs, it causes injury and can lead to disease.

Dust and dirt accumulating in your parking lot can not only hurt people nearby, but also the lot itself without parkade cleaning in Calgary. Debris increases surface damage and erosion, leading to faster deterioration.

The Solution: Regular Calgary Parkade Cleaning

Thankfully, you don’t have to let your customers and employees risk lung damage or watch your parkade deteriorate faster than it should. Regular parking lot maintenance removes dust and keeps it from building up in the lot. A thorough parkade cleaning that includes power sweeping, power washing, and power scrubbing leaves your parking lot looking great. With routine parking lot maintenance, the dust can’t accumulate and cause the problems mentioned above.

Choose Professionals for Calgary Parkade Maintenance

Partner with a professional company to fight back against the dust with parking lot maintenance. They have the training and equipment necessary to safely and effectively remove dust and debris from your parkade. Make your parking lot a safe and welcoming place with regular cleaning.

The condition of your lot plays a significant role in how others perceive your business. We perform everything from parking lot maintenance, parking lot sweeping, parking lot power washing and more. Give us a call at 403-606-4545, send us an email to [email protected] or fill out our online form!

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