Each year when spring rolls around, you can be sure to see the street sweeping trucks making their way through the city streets.
But what exactly is the purpose of street sweeping, and how does it impact you?
We break down why street sweeping has more value than we often give credit for.
Understanding Why Street Sweeping is Important
From a purely superficial perspective, it’s nice to have all the gravel and debris leftover from the winter removed. It gives the streets a more polished look, which in turn makes you a little prouder of your city’s impression on others.
As well, street sweeping reduces the likelihood of you seeing rodents and bugs on your roads. Garbage attracts such critters, so removing the trash in advance will help prevent this.
With debris spread across the road, it’s bound to make the streets more slippery. Motorcyclists and bicyclists are less safe when they risk losing traction and falling off their bikes.

Additionally, the gravel lining the streets could lead to car damage or injury. A car may accidentally kick up some rocks and send them flying to nearby vehicles or pedestrians.
Street sweeping eliminates both of these concerns.
With Canadian winters comes ice and snow, which in turn necessitates the presence of road salt. This can be helpful when needed, but as the snow melts away and leaves the road salt behind, its new talent becomes damaging the paint on cars.
By cleaning the streets and removing the leftover road salt, you are gaining an additional level of protection for your car. Not to mention, your tires will probably be thankful for the lack of debris that could have damaged them.
Street cleaning is also a step in preventing stormwater pollution. By removing the trash and debris from the streets, the possibility of it being washed down the storm drains is reduced. Therefore, this will benefit your city later on, as the water will be easier to treat and maintain.
Street sweeping can benefit you, the individual, and your community. Street sweeping is typically performed by the city, but you can always hire professionals to power sweep your parking lot or property if you own your own business.
The condition of your lot plays a significant role in how others perceive your business. We perform everything from parking lot maintenance, parking lot sweeping, parking lot power washing and more. Give us a call at 403-606-4545, send us an email to [email protected] or fill out our online form!